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Rocks & Minerals for the Ages : Our Journey with Mr. Arthur L. Flagg

01/18/2020 4:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Chris Whitney-Smith

Mr. Flagg credits a kindly pre-college teacher for encouraging his interest in minerals. Countless youngsters & Rockhounds have credited Mr. Flagg for encouraging their interests in the Mineral Kingdom & enlightening them in the riches of Earth Science. Mr. Flagg Co-Founded MSA in 1935 and was originator of Thumbnail collecting as such, as a hobby for the children of members of MSA. In the 1940’s, MSA was the largest mineral club in the country. Mr. Flagg’s expert knowledge of geology, mineralogy, and the natural world, articulated through his soft spoken and kind countenance, earned him the title of Mr. Rockhound. His thriving mineral foundations and societies echo Mr. Flagg’s presence through time and continue to inspire new generations of Rockhounds in the friendly, beautiful and sometimes magical worlds The Dean of Arizona Rockhounds dedicated his life to sharing with us. I encourage you to read Mr. Flagg’s two books, his several articles in Arizona Highways and perhaps join a mineral club or two and in doing so, meet Mr. Flagg as he would surely have enjoyed meeting you. Please also be sure to read Mr. Philip Richardson’s Arthur Leonard Flagg & the Flagg Mineral Foundation article in Rocks & Minerals and Dr. Wendell Wilson & Dr. Jim Houran’s The Elegant World of Thumbnail Minerals article in The Mineralogical Record referenced below.

Dedicated “To All Who Are Inspired by the Beauties and Mysteries of the Mineral Kingdom” A. L. F. 

Mr. Arthur L. Flagg’s Mineral Legacy & Journey also lives on in these Mr. Flagg Inspired Organizations:

Flagg Mineral Foundation
Earth Science Museum
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies

My sincere thanks to all of these people who offered support and supplied information & approvals for this tribute to Mr. Arthur L. Flagg:
Mr. Richard W. Flagg, Arthur Flagg’s Son. My profound thanks to Richard for his first person’s rich, historical, and familial perspectives regarding his father’s lifelong professional and family life in Arizona.
Mr. Philip D. Richardson, Chairman Flagg Mineral Foundation. My deepest gratitude to Phil for sharing his beautifully researched & written Flagg article c/o Rocks and Minerals (Jan/Feb 2012).
Dr. Wendell E. Wilson, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief The Mineralogical Record. My gratitude for illuminating that Arthur was originator of TN collecting as such, as a hobby for the children of members of MSA.
Dr. Raymond W. Grant, President Mineralogical Society of Arizona. It continues to be my privilege & high honor to work with you & MSA as we keep the torch Arthur lit fifty decades ago burning anew & bright.

FLAGG, Arthur L. (Mar 1947) Arizona Minerals, Arizona Highways, Vol. 23, No. 3, p. 28-31.
FLAGG, Arthur L. (Nov 1956) On Mineral Collecting in Arizona Beauty From the Earth, Arizona Highways, Vol. 32, No. 11, p. 8-14.
FLAGG, Arthur L. (Nov 1957) Petite Minerals, Arizona Highways, Vol. 33, No. 11, p. 6-13.
FLAGG, Arthur L. (Jan 1960) Color Magic in Fluorescent Minerals, Arizona Highways, Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 24-31.
GETSINGER, Floyd R. (May 1965) The Woolery Mineral Collection, Arizona Highways, Vol. 41, No. 5, p. 31-37.
FLAGG, Arthur L. (1944) Rockhounds and Arizona Minerals. Published by The Whispering Wind Press
FLAGG, Arthur L. (1958) Mineralogical Journeys in Arizona. Published by Fred H. Bitner
RICHARDSON, Philip D. (Jan/Feb 2012) Arthur Leonard Flagg and the Flagg Mineral Foundation, Rocks & Minerals, Vol. 87, p. 31-38.
WILSON, Wendell E. and HOURAN, Jim, (Mar/Apr 2012) The Elegant World of Thumbnail Minerals, The Mineralogical Record, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 219-262. 


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