MSA Monthly Meeting - February 2020
"My Favorite Mineral Stories.”
Presented by Mr. Bob Jones
MSA February meeting is on 3rd Thursday due to Tucson Gem & Mineral Show.
Our February 20th program will be presented by our own Mr. Bob Jones, "My Favorite Mineral Stories.” It is all true stuff…it has true stories like Bob’s Rockhound friend who was the first woman into King Tut's tomb and ALSO told off Adolph Hitler. Then there's the man who made the first lapidary machine in America and was convicted of forgery, made the first coins in the U.S. (Bob did not know him). Bob did know the last member of the Faberge family and how we got the eggs for the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, then there's the alchemist who chemically discovered a first element…it's all in great fun. Mark the date on your calendars as Mineralogical Society of Arizona is very lucky Bob can help us kick off 2020!
Bob is an MSA Milestone Life Member, MSA President 1964, generous donor, volunteer and oldest founding member of our sister organization Flagg Mineral Foundation. He is a world-renowned collector, lecturer, host and author. He authored Nature's Hidden Rainbows Fluorescent Minerals of Franklin, NJ 1964, The Collector's Book of Fluorescent Minerals 1983, Twenty-Fifth and Fifth Year History of the Tucson Show, The Frugal Collector, Volume 1 2011 and over 1800 articles in The Mineralogical Record, Rocks and Minerals, Rock & Gem, Lapidary Journal, Monde et Mineraux and Arizona Highways. Bob is co-host for BlueCap Productions DVD series of “What’s Hot” filmed at premier gem and mineral shows in Tucson, Arizona and Munich, Germany.
Bob earned his MS in Science from New Haven Teacher's College, taught Science for 32 years, and is Senior Consulting Editor of Rock and Gem, 1992 inductee into National Rockhound and Lapidary Hall of Fame, 1998 Carnegie Mineralogical Award recipient, honoree of mineral species: Bobjonesite, recipient of Flagg Mineral Foundation 2012 A. L. Flagg Lifetime Achievement Award and Mineralogical Society of Arizona 2014 Hall of Fame Inductee.
Franciscan Renewal Center
5802 E. Lincoln Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85253
Arrive 7:00 PM
Meeting Starts 7:30 PM
*** Parking Behind Piper Hall ***
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