Saturday, November 13, 2021
- Leader Name: Stan and Sue Celestian
- Leader Vehicle Description: 2018 Toyota Tacoma, reddish orange with a winch bumper in front. AZ License Plate - USA GLG (The GLG is the 3 letter prefix for college Geology classes.)
- Leader Contact Info if other than website: Cell Phone - 602 319 0224 (there maybe limited coverage at meeting area.)
- Fee’s if any and how to be paid: No Fees
- Limited Number Trip: 25 vehicles
- RSVP by (Date & Time): November 11 by midnight
- Meet-Up Place: 0.18 miles past (south) MP 140 State Route 177 on dirt road that heads north.
- Meet-Up Date and Time: Saturday, November 13 at 9:30 AM. Departure to the mine is at 9:40 AM SHARP!
- As a courtesy for Group who arrive on time, Trip Leader is not waiting for stragglers past Departure Time. Late comers can find their way into the mine easily.
- Trip Duration: From arrival time (~10:00 AM) to approximately 2:00 PM.
- Register on MSA website, MSA members only, read and accept Liability Waiver when registering for trip. This trip is NOT for children.
- Rate Physical demands of trip: 1 to 10. This is an abandoned open pit mine with miles of road to explore. Staying on or near the roads is easy (1) but climbing rubble slopes can be rigorous and dangerous (10).
- Rate type vehicle needed based on terrain: I visited the Chilito Mine on November 1, 2021 and found that rains earlier this year have made the roads worse. Long before reaching the Velasco Pit sections of the road require 4WD with high clearance. For that reason I am requiring high clearance 4WD vehicles ONLY for this trip. Sections of the road are very rough and very narrow (as in no place to pass or turn around. Breaking down or getting stuck on this road will be a major problem for you and the entire group. There are also many side roads to explore that will require high clearance 4WD.
- Material to be collected: The Chilito Mine is a copper mine with an extensive oxidized zone. Copper silicates, oxides and carbonates are found here. Some very nice mineral specimens to very colorful yard rocks can be collected. I have not explored much of the area so there may be other interesting rocks to collect.
- List Safety PPE needed: safety glasses, gloves, clothing, hard hat, other: Gloves, safety glasses and sturdy boots are required. There are many angular rocks along the slopes and wearing heavy, durable pants can offer some protection. 2 way radios for your group can be very helpful.
- List Tools needed: hammers, chisels, other: The material to be collected consists of rocks that can simply be picked up to boulders that need sledge hammers, wedges, pry bars, etc.
- List ancillary items needed: sunscreen, hat, water, lunch, bug spray, bucket, first aid kit, other: Yes, all of these as well as all-purpose-paper.
Additional INFO: This area has many steep and potentially unstable rubble slopes that can be dangerous to children (under 16) and pets (all ages). The trip is not open to children under 16.
- If RSVP’d you will go, please show up. If you are unable to go, contact the Trip Leader as soon as possible so that the members are not held up waiting for a no show, and allow others on a waiting list to attend. Although the road to the mine is fairly straightforward, it is often the trip leader’s courtesy to stay behind or assign someone to stay behind to meet stragglers. Being late is not socially acceptable behavior. Plan ahead and be on time - or early.
This is a return trip to the Chilito Mine that the MSA took in March, 2021. We will be accompanied by members of the Daisy Mountain Club (Anthem). It is, if nothing else, a GREAT place to pick up some blue/green yard rocks. From chips to boulders and everything between. Our destination is the Velasco Pit within the mine. But once we get to the mine you can explore many other areas and perhaps find your own treasure. Following are some of my favorites collected at the mine:

Cuprite with minor native copper in chrysocolla infused quartz.
Chrysocolla with fungus-like growth of malachite.
Azurite and Malachite along fractures in rock.